Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Be yourself, unless you're fat... (Mixed signals in media and social networking)

I'd be lying if I said I'm always happy. It's hard in this world to stay chipper ALL THE TIME! Yes, we should be happy to be alive, to have food, shelter, family, etc. Besides all the stress I deal with daily, there is so much out there that affects not only me, but any human with emotions. 

I feel like there are so many mixed signals that are thrown at us in media, social networks, and daily life. We get told that everyone is beautiful no matter what, then it's contradicted somewhere with "you should do (Blank) if you care about yourself." All those fit people saying things like "you said tomorrow yesterday," and "how can anyone be happy being average?" That talk really brings people down. Being told you're not good enough is hurtful. There is a HUGE difference between being motivational and being rude, mean, or a bully! 

Girls are forced into thin ideals to the point where girls at 120lbs feel fat. Why does the word FAT even exist? It's stressful! Yeah there are those commercials by Special K about being more than a number, cool, but there are also weight loss commercials after it selling some kind of pill or system to make you "look better!" 

The fact that I visit one of my favorite YouTubers channel and there are comments upon comments saying "you're fat" or "you look gross" and several other variations, is NOT okay.  Why are people mean? Is it actually necessary to say those things? Does it serve a real purpose? Or do people really just do it because they are mean! I would rather people judge me for my opinions and not how I look. In all reality I know people just do these acts out of jealousy, boredom, or because it boosts their confidence putting others down. 

I'm absolutely sick of feeling down on myself because there are so many people saying I'm going to fail. It may not be directed at me, and companies do these things to get us to buy their products. If they tell us we "look good no matter our size," then we wouldn't buy their gym memberships or diet pills. 

How sick to think that it is someone's job to make you feel like garbage in order to sell their product. They make their living telling us we aren't good enough, and to "just do it" (famous line from a company who makes quite a bit of money making people feel like crap about themselves.) "Oh you can't fit into our clothes... You're too fat for them. You should work out to fit into our workout clothes so you can work out!" *eye roll*

Like many females I feel like I'm ugly, fat, and worthless because I don't desire to work my butt off on diets and exercise. I like food, and soda, and things that are bad for me. The sickest part is I don't drink alcohol even close to regularly, maybe once a month, and I've never done drugs. All that hard work to do good things and still feeling like a failure for not being a size two. 

One last note. I'm sick of people bashing the song "All about that Bass" as "skinny shaming."  At least give the bigger girls one reason to feel good about the way they look. God knows we are sick of looking at Victoria's Secret models and not particularly loving our bodies.  

Pick your battles. 

Stop leaving comments on someone's appearance. You look pathetic, and in the end people are judging you more for saying it rather than the person you saying it about.

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