Sunday, September 21, 2014

Why I AM “All about that Bass” (A response)

This post is a response to a blog I read a few days ago by TAYLORED titled “Why I am NOT “all about that bass.” She goes into the lyrics of the song and the fact that they are only positive towards those who are curvy. Taylored feels that it does not give girls who are “curve-less” a good reason to be confident. In other words, she feels that the song puts size two females on blast for not having curves, or for being naturally thin.
So I have touched on a similar topic before, I reference you to my previous blog (The Skinny on being skinny and not so skinny), if you want some of my other feelings on the issue.
Here’s my thing, plain and simple, skinny girls are favored in all walks of life. The media has been pushing the idea that “skinny is pretty” for years. Models who are over a size two are seen as only good for catalogs, and many popular store only cater to females under a size 10.
Long story short, body issues are a huge deal, and it mainly affects females who feel that they are too big. Obviously there is the issue of anorexia and bulimia, but why do people become that way???? Because they feel they are fat... Being overweight, or curvy, has been put down for a long time, and analyzing  the song “all about that bass” as “skinny shaming” is reading wayyyy too far into it.
As long as people keep posting photos of females with thigh gaps and say “are those fries worth it?” we still need songs and media that remind us “FATTIES” that we are appreciated too. No one has ever said “I’m going to bring my skinny friend so I look curvier in comparison!”

I strongly recommend my readers to look at my previous blog, linked above, to see my other opinions on this particular topic. I do not feel like repeating myself. I just really want to make mention that I DO NOT hate on females for being thin. What I do hate on are people who glamorize being skinny or those who fat shame. In the long run, the song “all about that bass” is a reminder that girls should love themselves for who they are. I think Taylored understood that idea, but I also feel she was playing the victim because never being called fat has made skinny girls feel left out all these years.


  1. So what you're saying is that you lack the willpower to eat fewer calories and go for a run in the morning? You'd rather sit in front of a computer typing these blog posts and likely stuffing your face while you're at it? What a worthwhile endeavor, I can't believe people don't respect you for it!

    1. At least I don't leave rude comments to people I don't know. My willpower, or lack there of, is not what this post is about. It's about me reminding others that there is more to life then caring about ones weight. However I would like to thank you for your opinion. It was quite nice seeing that someone took the time to read my words, regardless if they agree with them or not! ;)

      Keep It Sassy, Jordan D!

  2. Forget what they say, I agree with you. Everyone should be happy with themselves. If nothing else, this song's a playful reminder that ANYONE can be sexy if they back it with confidence. Health concerns aside, there's absolutely nothing wrong with having a few less or a few extra pounds. Everyone's different, and everyone has different tastes.....thankfully. I don't know about you but if everyone looked the same I'd get pretty bored.
