Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cohabitation? How about no!

This is mostly my opinion, but I have research to back up my beliefs. I do not plan on spitting out a bunch of statistics to everyone, you can google it if you want. But check google scholar, or ebscohost. 

I've always grown up in a home where it was frowned upon to live with someone of the opposite sex before marriage. Now, as far as most traditional ideas go I don't believe the way my family does on much of it. I believe in Gay marriage, sex before marriage, and other things my family "frowns upon." Something I do agree with is not living together before marriage, but my beliefs go further than just christian values. 

Fun Facts From Erica:
-People who live together before marriage and engagement are less likely to have a successful marriage. (DIVORCE) 
-People who move in together after engagement have a better chance than those who get engaged while living together. 
-Couples who Cohabitate will have less fulfilling sex lives after marriage. 
-Couples who cohabitiate, and never get married (common law), are generally better off then if they get married. in other words, they will stay together longer. 

So basically if you move in after you get engaged your chances of not getting divorced are slightly better. There has been much research and multiple studies done that have found these facts to be true. Of course there are always those who do not fall into these issues, people do have successful marriages after having cohabitated. But there is much evidence that makes the statistics very daunting, and not something I want to test out for myself. 

Some of my own reasons for wanting to wait for marriage to live together is just the idea that I want the experience to be new! I feel like it would suck to live together, get married, and just go back to living together. I feel like the wifely duties will be more fun when I am actually a wife, and not just splitting rent/playing house. 

My boyfriend and I are not yet engaged, and I do enjoy taking care of him, but I personally feel that marriage is a necessary component in the grand scheme of things! Lucky for me my boyfriend and I are on the same page. Although we will be looking for a home to share eventually we will not be living there together until I have a ring on my finger, and a marriage license in my hands!!!

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