Friday, February 19, 2016

Go FUND yourself!

Things that tend to be popular now that we live in a world of the Internet are cat pictures and people begging for money. I’m getting very sick of the garbage people are putting up on these “GO FUND ME” pages. I understand everyone falls on tough times, but c’mon. If you have the ability to post on a website for money, clearly life isn’t all that bad.

I have ran across some real good ones in the past few years, and without naming any names I am beyond appalled at what people will ask for from strangers over the internet. People asking for money to fund things that are NOT necessary and NOT other people’s problem. The only ways to typically justify these pages are for medical needs or charity (but not the charity of ones wallet).

A few months, or maybe years ago, a girl I went to high school with made one of these pages because she needed to buy a car and get an apartment that was safe for her and her child to live in. Not to be rude, but how about instead of asking for money you get your butt off the internet and get a job to put down payments on these things and take care of yourself.

I feel like I’m about to go on a welfare rant, but why should other people be responsible for taking care of you when you are beyond capable of taking care of yourself. The craziest part is these people who “need money” have the ability to post on the internet with their phones/computers to create these pages in which they can now beg for funds that they are too lazy to earn on their own.

I recently came across a page where the family is asking for a start on a new car so they could both have one… SOOOOO I realize it’s more convenient to have two vehicles, but if you can’t afford it on your own it sounds like you should wait until you can. You are already more well off than a good portion of the world. I understand it may not be convenient only have one car, but it’s a lot easier to make a few extra trips with one car than it is to walk.

All in all I feel that these sites should be reserved for those who actually need assistance for medical bills or fallen family members. I do have one thing that I should mention, regardless of the obscene reasons for these pages; at least the people are honest about what they are asking for. Embarrassing, but at least they aren’t pretending they are paying for their child’s intensive surgery. They are being straightforward about their needs and letting people know “Hey we are already making it fine, but we would like to live in luxury, give us your hard earned money!”

Friday, February 12, 2016

She won't see me walk down the Aisle...

On December 30th 2009 this is what I posted to Facebook.

Fast forward to now, I am two graduations down and one wedding ahead of me. It hasn’t been all bad, but I have yet to struggle with one of the biggest issues I have yet to face when it comes to my mothers involvement in a big part of my life along with her lack of sight. I keep reminding myself it could be worse, at least she is here for my big day, and can still hear the vows.

(Side note I am in public writing this holding back every emotion so I can look like a sane individual!)

This is difficult on multiple levels. My mother has never seen my fiancé, she only knows his soul, and luckily he has won her over. She has turned down all invites to my dress fittings because she doesn’t want to be a “bother” since she cannot see. She hasn’t been apart of any of the planning I’ve done in preparation, no wedding venue visits, bridesmaid’s dresses, or tastings.  I know it pains her not be a part of these events because she cannot be present in an aspect she was use to for the first 47 years of her life.

I cant help but tear up over the fact she will not see me walk down the aisle, she will not see my dress, and she will not see our first kiss as husband and wife. This is coming off extremely selfish, but its hurtful because I know she’s hurt that she is missing out. Ever since I received the news that she was blind these thoughts have loomed over me.

I’m taking extra percussions to assure she can get the most out of this day with what senses she still has. If I can’t find a microphone and speaker to use while saying my vows I will put her right next to the preacher so she can hear every word. I am trying to remember this is not just a day for me, but also a celebration of my parents giving me away to Matthew.

She may be blind, but she will still feel my dress, hear my vows, and smell my bouquet. Knowing she is still with me is a blessing, she is super strong, and I know she will be happy about my big day regardless of what she can (in this case can’t) see.

5 Months Before losing her sight
It makes me want so badly to remind those of you whose mothers (and fathers)
are in good health to take advantage of everything they will get to experience in your life. Although my mom couldn’t see me walk across the stage at both my high school and college graduation she listened HARD to hear my name. I know her physical presence is better than none at all, and for that I am extremely grateful.

I cannot stress enough how people take their parents and loved ones for granted; I know I did. It all boils down to the good ole saying “ you don’t know what you have till its gone.” If anything I hope this post gives readers a reminder to cherish the simple things in life that God blesses us with.

Friday, February 5, 2016

I was bullied by a teacher!

I was talking to one of my best friends the other day and we got to talk about something that brought up a random old thought. She has been subbing at the schools in her area and mentioned how some teachers follow suit and will essentially bully the students who they don’t have faith in. I was astonished by the fact a professional would act that way to kids who were in elementary school. Then I remembered something that happened to me, which had me question my astonishment.

A teacher never perpetually bullied me, but I did have a teacher who managed to embarrass me and make me feel horrible about myself in the seventh grade. It was my history teacher, and it was super weird that she felt the need to do this.

I don’t remember the exact assignment, but we had to draw the country of Africa over and over and label areas… I was lazy and did no take my time tracing the picture; it wasn’t the assignment to do so. I just drew the basic shape, free hand, to the best of my ability to complete the assignment. (I’m not an artist).  Apparently this was comical to my teacher and she felt the need to make it an example, I never knew what the example was except to make me feel bad.

I remember walking from math class to wait for a friend to leave her first period history class and this kid walks out and stops me and says “nice drawings!” I was confused by the comment.. I was quickly filled in by my friend on our way to science. She mentioned that our teacher had shown her entire first period class my worksheet and made a comment that the drawings were not very good. I was upset to say the least. That same kid who made the comment was also in our science class and continued to make comments that did not make me feel better about the situation.

Later that day I finally reached her fourth period class and was one of the first in the room. She comes up to me and says, “So I’m sure you’ve heard I’ve been showing everyone your assignment?” I immediately broke down crying. (I was, and still am, super sensitive.) I was hurt that she not only made a joke of my homework in front of the entire class, but that she brought it up to me like it was funny. She then told me to go ahead and go to the bathroom and come back when I was feeling better.
I came back a few minutes after the bell and took my seat and she started her fourth and last discussion of the day about my homework. And after she was done she set the paper on my desk and handed me a starburst for “being a good sport.” It felt like a giant slap in the face, and I was beyond hurt and embarrassed by the whole ordeal. I was also 13, so that wasn’t helpful to my self-esteem.

Looking back now if that happened to me on such a bologna assignment I would laugh it off and make a joke of it. But at thirteen having people make jokes about it to me during other classes before even knowing what I was up against blew my mind. I don’t know if the teacher meant to be mean, I’m sure she didn’t but I would think a teacher would be more sensitive to student about such a topic… Maybe she thought I would react differently, but I was bullied a bit back then, nothing too major just about acne, and middle school stuff like that… regardless it was pretty rude of her, and something to this day I remember.  That says a lot about what a teacher can do to “bully” a student… Or at least make them feel like crap. Teachers should be people who you can trust, not someone who makes you feel like a target of jokes.

Regardless if she had no ill intentions kids took the reigns and made me the butt of their jokes over the situation.