I’m sitting here watching Hulu, trying the new series of
Real World “Skeletons.” I’m only two episodes in and it’s pretty dramatic. I’m
not a super fan of this show, it’s clear people turn into raging idiots when
they drink too much. Regardless, part of this show prompted this post about the
My college roommate and I call these girls the “'what are
we???’ Girls.” Basically these are girls who the second they start talking to a
guy, just barely past flirting, strike up the whole “So what are we” BS. They
aren’t even talking to the guy for more than a week and expect some type of
exclusive relationship.

These types of females are also the kind who gets annoyed
when the guy they like shows ANY attention to another female. They feel so
betrayed if their “hook up” isn’t seeing them as a priority. They see themselves
as the center of the world, and they have
issues not being a priority.
After being with my Fiancé for three and a half years I am
beyond thankful that he and I were friends first. There wasn’t a rush of
romance when we met, as a matter of fact we were friends for two years before
we even started to fall for one another. When relationships start off in a
lustful situation they tend to lack foundation and begin to crumble before
anything can be built up.
Another note to make in any relationship: If you start a
relationship by making a person leave their current partner for you, the chance
is they will also leave you for someone else. Why would you want to be a side chick/dude? What
makes you think they will be faithful if they ever put your butt on the
starting line up? I know it’s super cliché, but once a cheater always a
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