Saturday, June 27, 2015

Love and Freedom!


My two cent is rather short, but none the less I feel the need to share because I care about Love as well as Liberty!

First of all lets raise our glasses to LOVE! I couldn’t be happier about the marriage equality established in our country. I almost began to tear up from seeing all the corporations who put their logo in the rainbow colors to show their support. Although I’m straight I am huge supporter of the LGBTQ community, and to know they can be recognized in legal unions is beyond heart warming. I would be deviated if I couldn’t marry my Fiancé, and I never understood why love couldn’t be recognized when associated in same gender.  God loves everyone equally, and I truly believe he wants happiness for his children regardless of their gender preference.

Now to some annoying news: Burning of the American flag… When I was in middle school and high school I began to notice students who sat down during the pledge of allegiance.  When confronted they said, “I don’t like this Country.” This INFURIATED me! (I was in middle/high school in the mid 2000’s, during the time when folks were still irate about the war.) My response was, and still is, If you don’t like this country the GTFO! Leave… You can take your sorry butt to a third world country where your iPhone and Facebook are useless.
I don’t expect people to wear red white and blue every day or put “God bless America” on their bumper, but if you seriously don’t like the country that is giving your butt clean drinking water and decent food please go crawl into the catacombs in France and stay there. Burning a flag that stands for your freedom is absolutely ridiculous. That flag stands for more than anything you could EVER accomplish in your petty life.  This goes for those bigots at Westboro church too! They prance around holding signs that say, “God hates America” and such; they can take their annoying butts to the middle of Australia and let the kangaroos eat their soulless bodies and peanut sized brains!

With all that being said I cannot wait to live in a world where everyone is treated equally regardless of race, gender, or sexuality!  

 Keep it Sassy! 

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