Saturday, June 27, 2015

Love and Freedom!


My two cent is rather short, but none the less I feel the need to share because I care about Love as well as Liberty!

First of all lets raise our glasses to LOVE! I couldn’t be happier about the marriage equality established in our country. I almost began to tear up from seeing all the corporations who put their logo in the rainbow colors to show their support. Although I’m straight I am huge supporter of the LGBTQ community, and to know they can be recognized in legal unions is beyond heart warming. I would be deviated if I couldn’t marry my Fiancé, and I never understood why love couldn’t be recognized when associated in same gender.  God loves everyone equally, and I truly believe he wants happiness for his children regardless of their gender preference.

Now to some annoying news: Burning of the American flag… When I was in middle school and high school I began to notice students who sat down during the pledge of allegiance.  When confronted they said, “I don’t like this Country.” This INFURIATED me! (I was in middle/high school in the mid 2000’s, during the time when folks were still irate about the war.) My response was, and still is, If you don’t like this country the GTFO! Leave… You can take your sorry butt to a third world country where your iPhone and Facebook are useless.
I don’t expect people to wear red white and blue every day or put “God bless America” on their bumper, but if you seriously don’t like the country that is giving your butt clean drinking water and decent food please go crawl into the catacombs in France and stay there. Burning a flag that stands for your freedom is absolutely ridiculous. That flag stands for more than anything you could EVER accomplish in your petty life.  This goes for those bigots at Westboro church too! They prance around holding signs that say, “God hates America” and such; they can take their annoying butts to the middle of Australia and let the kangaroos eat their soulless bodies and peanut sized brains!

With all that being said I cannot wait to live in a world where everyone is treated equally regardless of race, gender, or sexuality!  

 Keep it Sassy! 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

One BIG Server Problem!

So I realize I rant quite a bit about my job as a server, but to be honest there is quite a bit that irritates most servers and things that patrons need to be educated on. 
I understand not all servers are good hearted, or have positive feelings towards your experience at their restaurant. I want to begin by saying I genuinely care about my table’s experience and I typically go out of my way to ensure your happiness, as well as my tip.

Lets begin.
-The company does not pay me; the only money I make is with the tips I receive. The wage of 2.13 I get per hour is to cover taxes on the tips. In the three years at my current job I have NEVER seen a pay check. Even when I get paid to go to a meeting it only goes toward my taxes at the end of the year. That being said, I typically owe several HUNDRED dollars during tax season.

-Please know that most servers do not intentionally ignore you. If we take a minute to get to the table it’s because we are taking care of the other guests in the store. People tend to have some mindset that they are our only table and if we are not there the second they need us we must be on our phones or screwing around. There are other people who need refills, we have to deliver food, and it takes more time than anyone realizes to pour eight drinks!

Double Seating: When two tables get sat in one servers section at the same time. (There is also such thing as triple seating, quadruple seating, etc.)
This issue creates several problems.
            -We have to greet and give our whole scrip of drinks and such several times, grab double the drinks, and make time to ring it all in. When tables order food it takes time to get all the modifications and such figured out between them and their server. Example: how do you want your steak/burger cooked, what side do you want? Some people have allergies, I have to type all that in to assure no cross contamination. Then people typically want 6 sauces to dip their fries in, or have ten different things they do and don’t want on their burger/salad/sandwich/etc. This takes time…
            -The concept of double seating can be done even when two tables are not sat at the same time. People who take too long to decide what they want to eat and have me come back 5 times before they choose makes it so I might get sat before they figure it out, this makes me feel double seated because I have two tables who are ready to order at the same time.
            --When you have a large group who straggles in and only one person arrives for the first 10 minutes, then I get another large table while the rest of your party decides to come in it is like getting sat twice. Now I have to maneuver double the drink orders and attempt to make sure everyone’s food gets sent back in a timely manor.  

Waiting to be seated:
-       I know it’s never fun to be put on a 20 minute wait to then be sat and have to wait on food to be delivered. That’s the price paid for going out to eat during dinner time.
-       If you enter a restaurant and are asked to wait but see open tables do not complain. Being put on a wait is for the good of everyone. It allows servers to give you the attention you deserve when there is time for it. People who get sat during a busy rush and have to wait on their server who has two other tables get angry too.
o   Keep in mind: we can only put down so many fryers for your food, and only so many burgers/steaks/chicken breasts fit on the grill at a time. The kitchen is limited on how much they can handle at once. Your food is more likely to get cold or made incorrectly when there are fifty other orders being made simultaneously. 

A table of five came in a few days ago and became upset when they were sat and it took more than a second to get a server to their table. After two servers couldn’t possibly get to take care of them I stepped up and took their orders and proceeded to kiss their butts for a tip at the end. The table was annoyed their food took so long to be cooked, but like I mentioned we can only cook so many things at a time. We make the food as it is rang in, there is a chance there is a table of 10 whose food is before yours. The women was beyond annoyed and by the end they basically got half their bill taken care of because of their rewards card and their inability to manage its points system. After both my manager and I basically took it up our butts to please them they did leave me eight dollars on what was originally a 75-dollar bill. This lady even had the nerve to complain it was too cold where they were seated. I politely said “I’m sorry about that, we hardly notice it because we are running around.” Here is an important note: your food will take a whole lot longer if your server passes out from being over heated and needs medical attention…. BRING A SWEATER!

“We are in a hurry”:
            This is the most irritating phrase that can leave your mouth when you enter a SIT DOWN restaurant. I will not be telling the kitchen to move along with your order, nor will I give poor service to my other tables because you need to get to your movie in 30 minutes.
            There are few ways to manage this situation for those who are in this “HURRY.”
1.     McDonalds is down the street.
2.     Manage your time better.
3.     We have to cook the food, unless you want it cold don’t expect us to be quick about it.
4.     If you are in a hurry don’t take forever to decide what you want to eat, the longer you take the more orders are going in before yours.
5.     Cooking a burger or steak well done is not a quick process, order it medium or order a salad.
I realize we live in a fast paced world, but we won’t compromise the quality of our food because you need to take your kid to baseball practice.
I’m NOT a mind reader:
I actually had a woman complain by writing her concern on the check that she paid with. She said her food was cold and it took too long to come out. Although we were not full as a restaurant it was lunch and we only had on three servers and a bartender. I can only be in one place at a time. If you have a problem with your food tell me!!! Otherwise you have to deal with it. You can’t be mad if you don’t speak up. I would have gladly remade it for her and had my manager take care of it. Mind you I stopped by SEVERAL times asking how everything was and if they needed anything, its not like I was sitting in the kitchen scratching my ass.

Wrapping up:
            -If you want a soda and a water you BETTER drink the water too… that’s heavy to carry 10 drinks to a table of five.
            -If you are in a HURRY take your butt to a FAST food place and come back when you can spare the time.
            -Realize your server has other tables and you are not the center of the universe.
            -Eat over your plate, don’t be barbaric and leave trails of crumbs and ranch on the table.
            -If there is no food at your table don’t ask for silverware… You aren’t cutting your ice; give me a minute to get it to you!
            -Bringing in a flavor packet for your water is rude and frankly, we are judging you!
            -If you are cheap you better not tip like it
            -If you tip poorly, or not at all, we will remember you and you will NOT get good service the next time.
            -When you sit down figure out what you want to eat, don't leave the menu closed and have a long conversation. You can talk while you wait on your food. If I have to come back more than twice for you to decide I will give you TONS of time to figure it out!!!!!
            -We are people too. Our job title is Server NOT Servant.
            -If you have children or teenagers you allow to come in on their own explain to them what a tip is. We don’t take kindly to six kids all with water splitting sides of fries and paying in quarters.
            -Don’t come in with a bad attitude. I’m not able to do anything about the day at work you had, or the jerk that cut you off. Being rude to me will not fix a single thing about your earlier endeavors. Order a beer and pipe down.
          - Compliments don't pay my bills. If you think I'm great express that in a tip NOT by saying so with 10% on the side.

PPPS: Feel free to comment with your experiences of serving below.

Keep it Sassy

Friday, June 12, 2015

"Sooooo..... WHAT ARE WE??"

I’m sitting here watching Hulu, trying the new series of Real World “Skeletons.” I’m only two episodes in and it’s pretty dramatic. I’m not a super fan of this show, it’s clear people turn into raging idiots when they drink too much. Regardless, part of this show prompted this post about the “NEEDY GIRL!”

My college roommate and I call these girls the “'what are we???’ Girls.” Basically these are girls who the second they start talking to a guy, just barely past flirting, strike up the whole “So what are we” BS. They aren’t even talking to the guy for more than a week and expect some type of exclusive relationship.

I understand how it can get difficult spending every day with someone and not putting a title on your relationship. These girls are the types who will text you for a week, have occasional hook ups, and then ask the annoying question… “SO WHAT ARE WE.”  I use to be “friends” with a girl like this, and it was beyond stressful. If a guy doesn’t want to commit after a week he isn’t a jerk. If you ditch ever guy who doesn’t commit right away you may miss out on finding a great relationship.

These types of females are also the kind who gets annoyed when the guy they like shows ANY attention to another female. They feel so betrayed if their “hook up” isn’t seeing them as a priority. They see themselves as the center of the world, and they  have issues not being a priority.

After being with my Fiancé for three and a half years I am beyond thankful that he and I were friends first. There wasn’t a rush of romance when we met, as a matter of fact we were friends for two years before we even started to fall for one another. When relationships start off in a lustful situation they tend to lack foundation and begin to crumble before anything can be built up.

Another note to make in any relationship: If you start a relationship by making a person leave their current partner for you, the chance is they will also leave you for someone else.  Why would you want to be a side chick/dude? What makes you think they will be faithful if they ever put your butt on the starting line up? I know it’s super cliché, but once a cheater always a cheater.

Monday, June 8, 2015

We all sin differently: Josh Duggar and TLCs 19 Kids and Counting.

So I have this list that I put down ideas for posts that I want to eventually get to when I’m feeling inspired. About a year ago I put “19 Kids and counting” on my list of topics. I’ve gone back and forth with how I feel about the show, and the morals of the family. Now that this whole controversy came about and there is no need to explain the show, I feel this would be the perfect time to post on the topic.

I’m going to start on the show itself, and move into the news that has come about concerning Josh Duggar and his alleged molestation accusations.  Just for reference I have seen the interview on the “Kelly Factor” (FOX news…. I know..) and this post is 100% my opinion.

So I have only seen a few episodes of the show, mainly out of curiosity, and I do not agree with the way they live their lives. I feel that having that many kids can be detrimental to the growth of the children, and their ability to find their way in life. (Clearly I wasn’t far off with the current issue that has arisen.) I also have issue with their rules towards courting (dating). Only side hugs, no holding hands till engaged, and no kissing till marriage. It’s whatever with the whole “No sex till marriage,” that’s more preference, but I feel the rest is a bit over the top. Honestly it’s their life, and they can live it how they choose. AND DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THE FACT THEY ALL HAVE J NAMES! That might cause identity issues when you have to figure out which kid is named what with 19 of them running around….

As far as the children go I don’t see how they can gain a true education being homeschooled with that many kids of varying ages being instructed by one woman who must also act as a parent. I don’t feel their education is going to be similar to those who attend school, or even those who are of a family of 5 or smaller who do choose to homeschool. I’m not against homeschooling; I just don’t see it as being a productive learning experience when there is so much going on in one home.

Because there is so many kids there is no way each child is getting enough one on one time with their parents, and they are unable to build those bonds. That being said there is a lot of relying on the older children to help raise the younger ones, something that shouldn’t be done (in my opinion). 

Because Michelle Duggar (the mother) has had so many children she lost the last one she tried to deliver. I’m guessing this is due to the fact her body is older and she can no longer give the proper nutrients to a growing fetus as she did during her 1st -6th pregnancy. Because of her continuous pregnancies, and belief that birth control is sinful, she has grandchildren older than her youngest child. In my opinion that’s a little weird. It’s not uncommon for some people to have a child at 16 then start having more kids when they are at an older age and their first born begins having kids. Michelle Duggar is not in this similar boat. I cannot imagine my aunt who has several grandkids having more children of her own this late in life {even if she was able to bare children at her age.}
So Josh Duggar is now parading around giving his opinion on the negatives of homosexuality and negativity of gay marriage. Something I disagree with entirely. Most concern that has floated around is that people say “How can you be against gay marriage and be a child molester.” Alright, so I’m going to preface with saying he was in the wrong for touching females inappropriately. It is a completely different ball game than homosexuality and the current issues he is preaching.

Everyone is a sinner, and people tend to judge others for how they choose to do their sinning. He was 14 (I think) when these “inappropriate touching’s” occurred, I don’t think he should be judged on something that happened so long ago. Frankly I blame his parents. They are too busy popping out kids and the inability to give each child an appropriate amount of attention could have caused these negative events.

I’m by no means saying what he did was okay, but it isn’t something worth judging him on now regardless of how closed-minded he is. According to the information given by Michelle and JimBob Duggar the inappropriate touching was done over the clothing and was touching a females breast while she was asleep. The victim did not even realize they had been touched, no one would have known had Josh not come clean to his parents about his negative activity. (Sounds like a cry for attention!) As far as I know there was no sexual intercourse, or any forced touching of genitals to his victims. Once again, it doesn’t make the act okay just because it wasn’t more serious, but I find these offenses to be rather mild. The fact it was done to his sisters makes it disgusting, but not as strong of an offense. 

The Duggar family did the right thing by getting him help, and having him confess to law enforcement, but they should have gotten a better counselor that some random family friend with no psychological degree to do the rehabilitation process.

I realize not everyone will agree with my opinion, but I think it is very important to realize we shouldn’t judge him for being a bigot because he is a “Child molestor” and against homosexuality. Those topics are not related AT ALL! Rather I just judge him for his beliefs because he is a closed minded person. I feel that God loves all his children regardless of the sexual orientation. We can twist the bible any way we like depending on the situation at hand. In the end Josh Duggar is a closed minded person who made repulsive mistakes, but we all sin differently.