Friday, March 13, 2015

I'm Engaged!!!! (And I went to Texas....)

After spending three years with my amazing boyfriend it has finally happened, he proposed! As of Friday last week I am engaged, and working on planning a wedding. It makes me so happy to finally call Matt my Fiancé and future husband.
Last week Matthew and I spent my Spring Break in Houston Texas exploring the sights and eating lots of new food! (My favorite!) After a long week of traveling around the Houston area and catching up with an old friend we took the day Friday to spend at the Houston Zoo. Matt had it all planned out, he purchased the tickets ahead of time, and even purchased some tickets to take a tour of the elephant exhibit. (If you’re new here I am OBSESSED with elephants…)
After meeting, feeding, and petting some elephants we left to take a photo in front of the exhibit. After the first photo snapped Matt turned to me, pulled out the ring and knelt down in front of me. I sprung quite the leak. I began bawling my eyes out and shaking like a leaf. He grabbed my hand and after a short speech he asked me to marry him. I couldn’t have been more excited to start this new chapter with some of earths most amazing creatures standing close by.
Our friend Danny accompanied us on this adventure and took roughly 200 photos of the entire proposal. I stitched them together on an app so it looks like a slightly speedier, and silent, version of what actually happened. I don’t know that I can post it here on blog spot, but I’ll post it to the PerfectlyPink&ParticularlySassy facebook page if anyone is interested to see my bright red face and shaking stature.

I’m beyond overjoyed with the engagement ring, it is everything I ever wanted, and the best part is my sister made it for me. She recently moved to Florida, got married, and is pregnant with her first child. I’m so grateful she was able to create and put together the ring of my dreams. I seriously fall in love with it more and more each and every time I look at it. It has three princes cut diamonds, white gold band, and on the inside our initials are engraved alongside our favorite quote “Forever and Always.” She also put one of her signature design ideas in there as well, under the diamonds on the inner rim is my future last name “Paul.” This ring glimmers so beautifully, I couldn’t be more excited that I am able to hold onto this amazing piece of jewelry for the rest of my life.
Besides the engagement I got to visit a brand new city in a state I’ve never stepped foot into. I absolutely loved the warm weather and gained a new obsession for Whataburger! It was great to spend time with our friend, and share in this new adventure together after traveling thousands of miles by car trying and finding ways to keep entertained for two days.
I got to experience a really awesome new restaurant I never heard of until Matt told me about it. On our second day driving down into Texas we dropped by a one of a kind restaurant called “Lamberts Café.” The specialty of Lamberts is they throw your rolls at you from across the room, and share some seriously delicious southern home cooking. They have three locations; we stop at the Missouri location, Sikeston. The food was AMAZING, and I got to try fried okra for the first time, I’m pretty obsessed with it.

            Once we were in Texas the first few days we went to Galveston to see the beach, and got to see some interesting sites like the infamous Buckees Gas Station. It appears to be an average gas station with a cute beaver… or chipmunk… on the sign, but it is quite the tourist attraction on the inside. It was like a glorified souvenir shop that sold coffee and gasoline. We also took some time to visit surrounding suburbs in Houston to see if anything was appealing for future living. We both agreed Pearland TX is a place we want to possibly reside in after we get married and begin our lives together.

            This trip was one of a kind, and the best way I could have spent my last spring break of my college career. Now I’m going to continue finishing up school and begin the wedding planning.  I’m so excited to begin my life with Matthew, roughly one year from now we will hopefully be married. Fingers crossed I’m not a total bridezilla!!!

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