So yesterday, the 7th of January, was my three
year anniversary with my amazing boyfriend! Sappy sap sap! Anywhoooo… I bring
this up because it is important to how I am as person, but mainly a girlfriend
(future wife). Something I take pride in is my love of taking care of my boyfriend.
I’m not his “sugar mama” or anything weird like that, I just like doing
wife-like things for him. I enjoy cooking for him, and eventually doing his
laundry and cleaning our home. I just enjoy homemaker type activities that act
as nice gestures for my man.
Before people get the wrong idea, I do believe in “equal
work” and all that; I don’t expect to be barefoot, pregnant, and in the
kitchen. I realize I can still hold a job and make my own wages, but things
like cooking and cleaning for our home is something I like because he
appreciates it. He does equally nice things for me; he buys me flowers for no
reason, pays for dinners, and takes me to the movies. I can do nice things for
Now I will give some more relevance to this rambling
explanation. Because of my school schedule, and living 45 minutes away, we were
unable to spend our three years together. Today we are making up for it by
having dinner and spending quality time together. (Currently I’m writing this
while he writes the website for my blog. QUALITY TIME!!!) So when he saw me
today he walks in with one hand behind his back, hiding something obviously. So
he tells me “I bought you a bouquet!” I giggled and he pulled out a handful of
spatulas! You may be thinking that is odd, or sexist, either way you should
know that I LOVED IT!

So this may be weird and if you’re still reading this you
may be thinking “Erica, this is weird and has zero point, no one cares about
egg pans and tiny spatulas!” Maybe you don’t care, and that’s fine, but I feel
it is important to share special things that happen in my life. I feel that my
boyfriend and I have a strong, unique, and exciting relationship! (Yes spatulas,
and other kitchen ware for that matter, are exciting to me!) Mostly important to
note is that my boyfriend is creative, and I’m lucky to be with someone who is
so thoughtful.
Too often people take their significant others for granted.
I do NOT believe in “Accidents” such as cheating. If things like this occur
they are no accident, and they are likely to occur again. I speak for both my
boyfriend and myself when I say “we would never cheat on one another.” We have
an understanding that we are worth too much to each other to throw it away on
any “moment of weakness.” There is no such thing as a second chance in my book.
I feel bad for the girls that take back their scummy boyfriends who consistently
treat them terribly and test their trust. I’ve never had trust issues with
Matt, and he just confirmed he also has no trust issues with me. (He actually
laughed when I asked him.)
Long post short, I feel very lucky to have a good boyfriend I
can trust. Having trust in a relationship allows for less stress. I never worry
about who he is with, or what he is doing, if he wants to have dinner with his
female friends that okay with me, and he doesn’t mind me going out for a drink
or a movie with my male friends. He even, without my asking, gave me a fingerprint
to his phone for whenever I want to use it. We don’t feel a need to hide our
texts, or be secretive about whom we are texting. That seems to be rare these
days. I feel as though trust is no longer a common notion in relationships, and
that is very sad.
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Matthew and Me! |
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