This whole story is long overdue, but I was feeling this
topic today, and I figured I would go for it.
It all started back when I was just two years old. My entire
family took a trip down to Orlando to do all the fun things that area had to
offer. We went to Disney, Universal, and of course Sea World. Although I do not
remember the experience first-hand, I was only two; my parents kindly videotaped
every event so I can still re-watch the magic whenever I want… as long as I have
a VHS player! One of my favorite shows to watch again is the infamous Clyde and
Seamore show. The show was their Seal and Otter show, back in 94 it was a hotel
theme and the seal was a bell hop. Now a days, since I’ve been there, it is a
pirate theme show. Super cute if you ask me!
Back when I was in middle school we took a majority of our
vacations down to Florida, so my step-dad bought us season passes for Busch
gardens, Aquatica, Adventure Island, and Sea World. Eventually we moved down to
Florida when I was 15 till 17, we held the same passes and visited these parks
quite often. Since I visited regularly, and had seen a majority of the shows
multiple times, I’m very aware of what Sea World offers.
They have a super cute show called Pets Ahoy!, the show has a cast of animals that have been adopted
from Orlando’s animal shelter and trained to do small tricks for an audience.
My absolute favorite part of this show is when one of the cats does a high wire
act walking across the top of the audience!! (no worries a trainer walks
underneath it, plus it’s a cat… they jump on top of things for fun!!!!).
Besides their main shows that play every day they have
special shows for the Holiday season. Special events around the park, Shamu
sing-along shows, and other such items for the Christmas season that feel out
of place in the warm state of Florida. They even had a really cool STUNT SHOW they do on the water with boats and people water skiing. Very entertaining!
So let’s get to the difficult part of this post. I watched Black Fish last year and it broke my
heart. A huge part of me felt bad for ever giving my money to this corporation,
yet another part of me couldn't believe it was true.
Tilikum |
If you haven't seen
the documentary I can't say I recommend it, it’s a childhood ruiner for sure.
If you do watch it, then you will have some similar feelings and you may never
want to visit this park again. I do not want to ruin the documentary for
anyone, but you should know a few things about it. It is based around the main
killer whale Tilikum, he plays Shamu in the commercials, during live shows, and
he resides at the Orlando location. The events that occurred in the park a few
years ago when this whale attacked his trainer is the reason for why the
documentary came about.
So I'm going to write the rest of this post assuming
everyone reading has seen the movie, or at least has an understanding of what
events happened.
So I don’t think what happened was an accident, there were
tons of things leading up that should have warned the trainers and owners that
this whale was going down a scary path
to destruction. I do not agree that whales should have to live in captivity,
but placing these whales back into the wild at this point, especially the ones
born into the Sea World Park, would be more harmful.
Now I think a majority of me wants to share this magical
experience with my children, and it is difficult because I know it isn't right.
If anything I think the company could work a bit harder to have a bigger
habitat for these animals so they can continue to perform, and let children and
families experience their presence without harming them. It makes me feel like
there is no way to actually build a place for these animals except for where
they come from, making sea world an obsolete place. Another thing that is hard
for me to say is that the trainers should limit their actual contact with the whales;
they really shouldn't be in the water with these animals, but it would really
change the interaction and magic experienced during the show.
I know that after the incidents, Sea World was asked by environmentalist’s
type people to no longer allow the trainers to be in the water with the whales.
Mind you there were several incidents that occurred before the main attack took
place and became a media crisis. There were multiple court trials to shut down
these operations and what not. (Watch the documentary for more info).
From what research I have done they did lose some money
since the documentary became popular. They lost some attendance, a small
percentage really, and their stocks went down as of October this year. As far
as I can tell the company has not taken a HUGE punch, but they have seen some
I know certain people reading this think I am a monster for
saying that Sea World should continue, but I find so much MAGIC in this place
that I think it would be worth taking my kids to. I feel bad, and I know things
that happened were terrible, but I guess I can't bring myself to say "SHUT
DOWN SEA WORLD!!!" I feel like a bad person... but I’ll admit I don’t know
enough to give good reasons why they should shut down, or why they should stay
open. So in a way I’ll be selfish and say “Let them be.”
They are working with Animals after all. Beings that are not
predictable, and cannot be talked to or reasoned with. There are hundreds of
zoos around the world, and no one pushes to shut them down as much as they have
been against a place where serious attacks occurred. I know that some people
feel Zoos are just as bad, but they give people who would not normally be able
to see these creatures a chance. I guess my point is, if you are willing to say
“Down with Sea World,” you better also be ready to never attend another zoo in
your life!
Website Info:
After I wrote this I decided to do some website looking to
see what’s around the park since I’ve been there.
Clyde and Seamore are now doing their show as High School
Students. (I’m interested)
They changed the Shamu show since I’ve attended. I’m not
sure if that has anything to do with the previous attacks.
If you’re interested visit their website and look around to
view their care plans for the animals and how they take care of these wild