...In other terms, my Psychology of Women class at Ball State University. I don't think all the females in my class are extreme feminists, but the second they sit down in my classroom on MWF you would think they are!
It's interesting that being pro female is actually synonymous with "Man Hating" when it comes to this class. I highly doubt all psych of women classes are like mine. I would rather learn about women's history than bitch about how Yoga Pants are produced to please men. Heads up! If you think wearing yoga pants is bad and plays to men's wants and needs... then DONT DO IT!!! Complaining doesn't change anything. For a class that is about learning the struggles of women and how they have been discriminated against we tend to do an awful lot of discriminating towards men.
I am all about equal rights for men and women! As a woman myself, I am aware that we have been oppressed in the past. I also recognize that we have to stand up for ourselves and quit blaming men for EVERYTHING! Yeah media is pretty vulgar the way they treat women and affect our ideas of body image, but we must also realize women are just as much to blame for those thin ideals. We can complain all we want about how women are perceived in media, but we have the power to let it affect our thoughts or come to terms with the idea that it's just another thing in life we must ignore.
Another thing we tend to forget, although men make up a majority of higher positions in the work place, women still work in these companies. Women do have some say in the photoshopping that happens before the magazines reach newsstands. If women really wanted this discrimination to stop they could make it happen, but we also realize as leaders in companies what will sell our products. (Sex... Sex sells... Just incase you were confused.)
We need to quit playing the blame game and if we don't like something quit conforming to it. I like yoga pants, therefore I wear them; if you think they are for men and that they are degrading then DONT WEAR THEM! It's really easy to fix these "issues," as Bull Shit as they are, but it tends to be easier to blame others.

I love being a female, I think we have more power than we give ourselves credit for! Yeah men have a little fault in how women have been treated... But I think it should be more about blaming humans versus taking out our oppression on the opposite sex. Just a thought.
PPPS: There have been big strides towards equality for men and women, Emma Watson made a good explanation of that not to long ago. Being pro female does not have to be synonymous with "Man Hatting". It is possible to recognize our struggles while also realizing society is to blame... Not men alone.
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