Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dear Step Father.

Dearest step-father,

It makes me sick to hear your name, to think about the wrong you did to our "family". It hurts to know we were so easily disposable when it was not longer easy. Do you not recall the words you spoke to my mother in your wedding vows "in sickness and in health," do those vows mean nothing to you? Clearly they don't considering your pattern of life consists of leaving when it gets rough. Leaving your kids, leaving your previous wives, and now us; we were just another stop on your road to whatever happiness you are searching for. 

She stuck by you when you thought your blood disease was going to kill you, she took care of you during all of your health issues... Why couldn't you repay her? I slammed the door in your face the day you said you wanted to marry my mom, now I realize I was right for feeling the way I did at 12 years old. 

We had a good life for quite awhile, even though you and I almost never agreed, we argued over curfews and boyfriends almost regularly. In the end you always provided for me above and beyond. My first cell phone, talking my mom into my own car, paying for my gas, shopping, and annual passes to theme parks in our Florida home. It was difficult to hear of your true colors. Leaving us behind, me in the middle of college, your newly blind wife who needed a caregiver, and our family pet who misses his Daddy. 

You managed to ignore both my mother and I at your daughter's wedding. You wouldn't even sit in the front row to watch her say her vows because you couldn't man up to the two women you left behind due to your selfishness. You ignored me like I was some homeless man on the side of the road begging for your change. I would think that after seven years of telling me I can't  stay out past 11 that you would have more to say to me. You couldn't even look at me.. You're a coward.

I can't believe I struggled for years to figure out how I would explain to  my father that I wanted to share a father daughter dance with you at my wedding. Now that worry is out the window, along with our so-called family. Wasted years, wasted fights, wasted time. My mother struggles everyday on her own, knowing she may never love again while you speak of marriage with a woman you've just met. I hope you hurt, I hope you feel the pain, I hope you also realize you're missing out. My mother is beyond independent without you, she has come so far after you left our lives.  She may have suffered, but she's still the best women you could ever get. I hope your new wife knows that if she falls ill she will be on her own; no one to help her in a time of need when she will need you the most. 

I hope your life is better now that we aren't in your way. I hope God forgives you for the mistakes you've  made, the acts of pain you inflicted on us while you paid for love beyond my mother. I hope you learn the pain not only I felt, but the pain my mom feels everyday. Most of all I hope I never see you again... For your sake you better pray I don't.

Thanks for nothing you worthless scum!

Love, your ex step-daughter who doesn't need you, and will be the caregiver you never could to the women who deserves everything you ever promised but never delivered!

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