There is a time and place to share personal information on
social media. I’m beyond sick and tired of people who put their DIRTY laundry
on Facebook for absolutely everyone to see. Frankly, it’s super trashy. No one
cares that your baby daddy is a dead beat, that your significant other and you
are constantly fighting, or that you are constantly standing up for yourself
because people judge your parenting.
First off, if someone is willing to tell you what’s up then
you should definitely listen. For whatever reason there is this idea that
telling everyone about your personal love life/struggles is supposes to be
cute. It’s not. You are opening up for people to judge you.
I can’t stand when people post saying “Someone should bring
me this” or “It would be really cool if someone could help me out once in
awhile.” You are an ADULT. You have made poor choices that have landed you in
this position; there is no one to blame but yourself.
I had really hard times in my life too, but I don’t go
around spitting shade on Facebook for everyone and their mother to read. I went
to college, got an education, and now I earned a job in my field… I can thank
myself for that; meanwhile you can thank yourself for not holding a steady job,
having too many kids you can’t feed, and being judged by heaps of people
because you give them a first row seat to your diary of bad choices.

People constantly need pats on the back for doing normal
things like holding a minimum wage job for more than a month, paying their
bills on time, and paying for their own gas. If you are seriously struggling so
much then don’t waste your time on Facebook and instead take your butt to work.
I realize that there are people who are genuinely down on
their luck, but if you are able to post about it/ repost stuff for hours on end
each day, then you have time to get a job and at least pay whatever your
welfare does not cover.
I’m a child of divorce, and my parents were both always in
the picture and my dad was NOT a dead beat. Regardless, my mother worked three
jobs at one point to keep me in a good school system and allow us to live in a
nice part of town. I never went without and she never received government help.
My dad paid child support but that barely made a dent in what she paid for
school supplies, food, and rent. I never received free lunches at school, and
she always allowed me some luxury items like computer games and new markers to
color every once in awhile. My mom
worked a day job in an office and two serving jobs to make sure we were never
struggling financially. Yeah I didn’t see her much, but she gave me more than
an education and a place to live. She passed down a great work ethic, and
standards that I still live by to this day.
I don’t have kids; I have two cats. I work two jobs because
I like to have nice things. I work a job that my College education prepared me
for. I get health insurance and I still work three or so shifts a week as a
server so I can have nice things like a Mac book pro, the newest iPhone, and
still pay for my wedding and college loans.
College may have put me in debt but it was for a good
reason. I will never regret going to get an education. Besides that, I promised
my mom after she went blind that I would at least do two years of college. I
did one better; I went four years to a university and got my Bachelors in
Psychology. I’m proud of that. I’m proud I have good credit, live in Carmel
Indiana, and work a job that requires a degree. I don’t have children I cannot afford;
I don’t waste my money on drugs or alcohol. I spend my extra money going out
with my fiancé and paying for the wedding I want, not just settling for the
bare minimum.
I realize there are people out there who get everything
handed to them, and that sucks for some of us but that is life. In the meantime
if you are not so fortunate to have everything handed to you try working for
it. Bill Gates didn’t land in a pool of cash, he worked for it, you can’t sit
around and think opportunities will just drop in your lap.
PPPS: If you are offended by this post then that means you
should probably get off your butt and find a job outside of reposting
meaningless links on Facebook all day…. Take this as your sign to “get it