Saturday, August 29, 2015

A letter to my Best Friend!

Dear Best Friend,

We have known each other longer than we have been friends; times between us haven’t always been stories to tell our children one day. Regardless of our petty middle school days we became the best friends in high school. Even though our colleges took us to separate end of the state we still maintained a friendship I wouldn’t change for the world. As our grownup lives have evolved we have made a new path that has moved us further away then we have ever been during our companionship. Even though we are far apart you are still my best friend and no one will change that, not our husbands, our kids, or even our mental state.

Today you called me and broke my heart because I heard you cry but couldn’t wrap my arms around you to make it better. I wasn’t able to be a physical shoulder to cry on, only a helpful voice at the other end of the phone. When you called me and I heard your sobs I wanted to sob as well. Knowing I needed to be a strong friend I did the best I could to hold it together and remind you of all the things you should never forget.

Incase you are hesitant I want to reiterate some of those statements and leave it here on my blog for everyone to see, read, and hopefully learn from.

We all have different paths laid out for us. It’s like going shopping. Sometimes we see cute clothes made for children. As much as we think it is super adorable, we know that it doesn’t fit us. The same concept goes for life goals. One person’s idea of a job, life, and place of living or employment doesn’t always fit for the next person in line.

Don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life, or that what your doing isn’t want they would do for themselves. There is a reason you guys do things differently, you are different people. If we all did the same thing then there would be 7Billion people living in Indiana studying at the same college, and working toward the same profession…. The world doesn’t work well when there aren’t people to grow food, fly planes, and build cars. Our world wouldn’t exist if everyone were living the same life.

No matter what you do, where you live, whom you date I will always be your friend. No decision you make will change how much I love and care about you. I will still be here after every mistake you make even if you just repeat the same one over and over.

Know that you have a purpose, and your purpose is greater than anyone could ever imagine for you. You didn’t end up in your profession by accident; it is where you were meant to be. Your path is taking you to new places and allowing you to grow bigger than anyone else can when they choose to keep their roots in a comfortable area.

If anyone tells you what you’re doing is wrong then look at him or her and say that the only thing wrong in this situation is THEM. My mom always told me “Don’t let someone else make your mood.” If someone is being nasty don’t allow it to bring you down, always remember you can do anything, and if you forget that then you can call me and I’ll tell you!

Don’t ever feel behind because you aren’t getting married, or having kids. There is no expiration date for events like that… don’t push them to happen or you may miss out on something fantastic. We all live life at a different pace, and we can’t compare our chapter 4 to someone else’s’ chapter 10.

If something happens that a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and a bottle of wine can’t fix, call me and I’ll take care of you. If your cat won’t give you the cuddles you need then face time me and I’ll sit him down for a chat about what his purpose is. If a boy breaks your heart I’ll be there to break his bones. I will always be there for you even if you no longer live five minutes down the street.  


     Your Best Friend

Friday, August 14, 2015

ABA and Penny!

New Job in ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) 
So just recently I began a new job and I couldn’t be more excited! I took a position as a Behavioral Therapist in an autism center. I couldn’t be happier. I never expected to find a job so quickly after college, and on top of that I’m working in the field I earned my degree in! (Talk about dreams coming true.)
I must say that the job is much harder than I thought it would be, its not easy to work with those who can’t communicate as most of us do. Teaching is hard even if a child does not have a disability. Although it can be difficult it is very worth it. It is beyond rewarding to know I am actually making a difference in lives of not only the child I work with, but also their family.  I also have a very diverse client population.  Some of my kiddos don’t have the ability to vocalize words, others don’t have the ability to identify letters or numbers, and some are just getting potty trained at the age of four and five. It’s eye opening to realize how lucky I was to be able to talk, say my ABC’s, and count to ten when I was their age.

The best part of my job is that I don’t necessarily feel like I’m doing work. I don’t sit behind a desk and use a computer. I work one on one with these young kids on simple ideas such as the difference between a fork and a hair brush, how to sign for something they want, and how to behave in social situations. Although my job can be very technical in the ideas of Applied Behavioral Analysis, it is still fun and the day’s fly by. I also don’t have to dress like a professional…  I get to dress like I did when I went to my college classes! It’s pretty amazing!

New fur baby!

Leonard and Pennt from Big Bang Theory

I talked my Fiancé into adding a new kitten to our family; our little Leo needed a sister. I got my new baby from the Indianapolis Humane Society (where we get all our cats) and she is PURRRRR-fect. 

I had a name picked out before I even knew

Top: Penny
Bottom: Leo
which cat I was getting! We decided to name her Penny! We named our current cat Leo, but we call him Leonard. If anyone is familiar with the show “The Big Bang Theory” you will know the main couples names are Leonard and Penny!!! So that’s how that went down!

She is super cuddly and very sweet. She gives kisses and rubs up against your face at night. I’m very excited that my two babies are getting along and will be able to keep one another company while we are at work during the day.