Sunday, July 26, 2015

Unattractive Qualities in a Man

I identify as Heterosexual so I’m doing this based on my ideas of what I think is unattractive about men. Some of, if not all of, these qualities could be used towards women as well. I’m going to list these out, expand on some, and others are pretty self-explanatory!

-       Cheater Here is a note to remember. If you met a guy by him cheating on his girlfriend to be with you… Chances are he will do the same to you!
-       Clingy
-       Controlling Needing to know whom you are with, and what you are doing constantly.
-       Doesn’t have their life together
-       Drinks too much Its one thing to have beer or a drink at dinner, or even several for special occasions, but there is no reason to be getting shit faced every day of the year/ on a Tuesday evening. There are always exceptions for a drink, but a man who needs to be drunk to have fun doesn’t appeal to me.
-       Homophobic I could NEVER be with a guy who didn’t except my best friend… In most cases guys who are homophobic tend to have masculinity issues. Here is a tip to any men who may be reading this, If a gay man thinks you’re attractive then that is a HUGE compliment. That compliment is equivalent to a model finding you attractive. Don’t be mad; OWN IT!!!
-       Immature
-       Jealous this one is something I couldn’t imagine ever dealing with again. Lucky for me I have a man in my life that doesn’t EVER get jealous, and the same goes for how I feel. We just don’t have those qualities. If your ex or your guy friends threaten your man then it sounds like he is insecure about his own abilities as a man.
-       Liar This one is a given, no one likes a liar. I dated a guy who felt the need to lie about EVERYTHING. I began to wonder if he even knew who he was. He just felt the need to look Bad Ass and would say all sorts of dumb things that were beyond UNTRUE. Part of me wants to warn his new girlfriend, but I couldn’t care less about either of them to waste my time.
-       Limited interest in music If you only listen to Rap and Hip Hop there is a good chance you are also just uneducated. I like a good Eminem song, and Hip Hop is fantastic at the club/jamming out to in the car. But if you turn up your nose at some country or alternative then I don’t see you as very attractive.
-       Mean Drunk (Building on drinks too much) I don’t find it remotely okay when men feel the need to assert masculinity and become raging DBags when they drink too much. I’ve seen guys who always feel the need to start fights once they have alcohol flowing through their blood!
-       Parents still pay for EVERYTHING
-       Players
-       Racist
-       Sexist
-       Shady (Not Trustworthy) If they have a passcode on their phone that you are not allowed to access then there is a huge RED flag. My fiancé locks his phone because he doesn’t want anyone to have access to it if it gets stolen or left at work. He has told me the password and even given me my own fingerprint to use it whenever I want. But to be honest I only use it if I need to take a photo or text someone for him. I legit never feel the urge to read through his texts/ Facebook messages/ or anything of that sort. If either of you have to check up on one another in a sneaky way then there is no reason to be together.
-       Shallow
-       Uneducated I’m not saying a guy has to have a college degree, but they better not be a complete idiot. My roommate dated a guy, she now sees the error in her ways, and he was beyond Stupid. She was doing a project on NASA for a speech class in college and he was like “What is N-A-S-A.” He also had a tendency not to know the meaning of simple words and terms. I realize I don’t have a HUGE eloquent vocabulary, but I can hold my own with professionals. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

100th POST!!!!!

Oh my! Where has the time gone???
I’ve been writing this blog and building the Perfectly Pink and Particularly Sassy Empire for over a year, and now 100 posts! I’m very excited to have come this far.
I realize I have not jumped HUGE milestones with my blog and other branches of PPPS, but this is quite incredible. Since I’ve begun this blog quite a bit has happed in my life!

I’m now engaged to the Love of my life!

I Graduated College!

I started a new job as a behavior Therapist working with Autistic kids!

And I’m planning my wedding!
I’ve received tons of great feedback from friends and acquaintances during my journey here as a blogger. I couldn’t be more thankful for the support I’ve received and those who have shared their opinions with me!

I really wouldn’t be this far if it wasn’t for my amazing fiancé, Matt! He truly keeps me grounded and reads every post and tells me his views on the topics as well!

I also wouldn’t have gotten this far if it weren’t for all the people who have made my blood boil and inspired me to write the various posts I’ve shared!

Thanks to those who are constant readers and enjoy what I have to say.
I’m very thankful for every view, comment, and opinion I receive!

Thanks Everyone!

 Keep it SASSY!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cheering on sin?

This post is long overdue, but I finally got the energy to go for it. Mind you this is one of the very many sensitive topics regarding Gay Marriage. 

A few weeks ago I was scanning through my Facebook and saw a post by a family member of mine that made my blood absolutely BOIL. I responded hesitantly, but I grabbed my bible, shared a verse and hoped to leave it there. Unfortunately my comment caused a huge uproar. Below I have taken screen shots, and edited them to protect those involved.  Feel free to skim, or skip it all together. I’m not really responding to anything in particular, but if you want to know the basis this will give an idea of what got me upset. 

After reading the first few that came through I turned off the notification and tried to guard my heart. I felt slightly attacked because I said my peace, but when people put things on Facebook they are putting themselves out there. I’m not mad at the fact that people disagree with me, I was mostly hurt by those who felt this was the worse sin ever committed and those who agree should be shunned by God.

I began to feel targeted as though I was a bad Christian for agreeing that all couples should be able to marry, be together, etc. In my mind I praise the same God everyone else posting does, the difference is that I believe he loves all, and accepts them regardless of their sexual preferences.

These folks I came into contact with limit Gods acceptance and put him on a low level saying that he would never be okay with the happiness felt by his children. People can quote whatever verse fits the moment to say otherwise, but in the end Love should always prevail.

Hate towards others choices and lifestyle doesn’t make you a better person. I don’t feel God wants his children to judge one another, or punish them for not fitting standards our churches set for society.  People are so caught up in their own thoughts that they forget we all have struggles, and being accepted shouldn’t be a fear for anyone. Pushing so much hate and allowing yourself to claim these negative stances is only showing the colors of you as a person, and as a “Christian.” I feel that these types of folks give Christians a bad name.

After hearing all this negativity I mentally broke down, I couldn’t function that day. I felt targeted as if I was the one who was being judged for who I love. I was never mad at people judging me for my opinion; I was frustrated for those who weren’t even involved in the argument. I have always been very liberal as far as supporting equality and all things LGBTQ, and I couldn’t even put in words the feelings I felt that day.

I hope as time goes on people will understand equality, and quite judging others for who they love. I know that’s a long time coming, and society is moving in the right direction, but it always gets difficult before it gets better.